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A guided imagery session invokes the majesty of images to enchant and awaken the voices of aliveness living in our hearts and the heart of the cosmos. Always healing and revealing, a session aims to reweave any limiting conversations into life-enhancing ones, inviting us back home to ourselves and the vibrant, animistic heart of life. When a new vision takes root within us, it initiates an energetic shift that blossoms in ways we could never imagine and the authenticity of who we really are leads us into a new world of possibilities with courage, resilience and creativity.

Who are my clients?

I assist people with all sorts of "imaginal deficiencies" that may involve a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual concern. Is there any area of your life where you feel the need for caring, compassionate support, any area where you want to transform a current energy depleting situation into a more enlivened one? A personalized guided imagery session invites you to wake up from limiting perceptions and see creatively, in new ways, for self-healing, personal growth, inspiration, liberation from unfavourable, disenchanting thoughts and to renew a sense of hope, purpose, inner strength, clarity, peace of mind or even to soothe the inner child, activate self-love, self-acceptance or simply relax and re-connect with the heart's medicinal magic.


Before receiving a vision, I need 2 things from you (which can be emailed).

1/ Your intention

Tell me a little bit about yourself, where you need a vision in your life right now and how you would like me to help you. Then, create a simple intention by filling in the blank of any one of these suggested phrases, such as, "I would like help with__________, or I would like guidance on______________, or I would like a new vision for ______________.

2/ A picture or image

Is there a picture or image that pops into your mind when you focus on this intention? It can be any picture such as a spontaneous one, a dream image, a book or movie image, a memory, a past incident or event in your life -- in fact, it can be any image that reflects the situation that brought you here, as long as it "feels alive" and holds power for you. You have to feel it. Nothing is irrelevant or insignificant. Trust what comes up.

When I receive your email with these items included, I take the information provided into quiet meditation.

With integrity and pure intention, I invite fresh imagery to grow in my mind's eye, tailored to your exact needs -- images to shift your current way of seeing into a new world of possibilities. You'll receive your guided imagery session (mp3) within 5 - 7 days via email. In time, the practice of guided imagery has the potential to reweave a more beautiful conversation for your life's journey, awakening dormant aliveness that transforms and regenerates your existing world inside and out.


1 mp3/$135 CAD (approx 15 - 20 minures)

  • For new clients, initial exchanges to establish if  this service is right for you are free

  • After your purchase, you'll receive your guided imagery session via email within 5 - 7 days

  • Email communication is available if you need to clarify any information provided in the document

To request a session, please by complete the form on the contact page.


Tell me a bit about yourself, what brings you here and how you would like me to help you. Include your intention and image description. Once we've communicated and are ready to begin you can pay for your session through Paypal. You don't need a Paypal account to pay, just a valid Credit or Debit Card.

A Guided Imagery mp3 is meant to re-kindle your imaginal capacities for self-healing and transformation  rather than it being a substitute for treatments received from medical, psychological and legal advisors. Always seek professional advice for any health conditions and issues you are experiencing. Refund Policy/Disclaimer/Privacy Policy.

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