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I believe imagination is much larger than a faculty of the human brain.


I wonder if we "humans" exist inside imagination -- a landscape of imagination -- rather than it being the other way around and the web of life in which we live is imaginal, relational and conversational by nature. Our true nature. I think about this often and how it shifts my perspective on my place within this wondrous mystery of Life.


I sense imagination -- deep imagination -- is an invisible landscape; a living, vital, regenerative, intuitive, instinctive web of knowing, an imaginal life-force or life-source, an energetic realm hidden from everyday, conscious awareness. As an ancient, non-verbal creative intelligence of life, rooted in our ancestral past, it speaks to us and through us in a language of images (arising in the mind's eye), gut feelings, hunches, intuitive perception, body sensations, dreams (both waking dreams and night-time ones) and impressions. It also speaks through signs, symbols, oracles and metaphors in the concrete world of appearances.  Deep imagination -- which differs from the surface imaginings and fantasies conjured up by the rational mind -- can be likened to a community of living voices -- Voices of Aliveness -- from the heart of the world.



Mostly imagination is ignored in contemporary society, possibly due to our lost connection with the natural world and our over-dependence on cognitive thinking, technology and scientific materialism.


At this time of significant personal and cultural transformation, there is a growing awareness we are experiencing a crisis of imagination. We no longer hear the voices of aliveness as the noise of modern culture has silenced them (and us), leaving us feeling disconnected, anxious and alone.



Perhaps the urgent message for us at this time is to awaken our dormant imaginal sense -- otherwise known as deep imagination or ancestral intelligence -- and allow ourselves to be guided by the voices of aliveness that inhabit our hearts, bodies and earth, while supported by our rational considerations


Perhaps, following the golden thread of intuition will bring us into conversation with the revelatory wisdom of our own hearts, connected with the voices of aliveness from the heart of the living, breathing, imaginal earth?



I believe awakening our imaginal sense can lead us back home to our true selves, our natural rhythms and creative impulses.


When our lives are in rhythm with our hearts, our intuitive, imaginal perception emerges. We wake-up from our field of limitations and enter a new world of possibilities that can heal our lives into expressions of resilience, beauty, belonging and wholeness, uncover the secrets of our souls, participate in meaningful ways with all life forms, resurrect our inherent creative capacity, walk a regenerative path into our collective future and express our uniqueness in the world.  Read about me.

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